3 to 4-year-olds
Monday – Friday
Full Day
7:30am – 6:00pm
Half Day
9:00am – 1:00 pm
At Chinmaya Blossoms, we have taken care to thoughtfully integrate our program with the best of both worlds – a synthesis of modern, respected early childhood educational philosophies; evidence-based child research; and life-enhancing wisdom of ancient Eastern tradition.
We offer a program in which tradition meets innovation to offer a new paradigm in early childhood education. Our curriculum is uniquely designed to integrate STEM-based learning and value-based integrated education for your child.

Our Curriculum
Language and Literacy
Our curriculum develops a love of language & literature and provides reading readiness skills in a developmentally-appropriate way. It encourages and expands each child’s interest in spoken and written language.
- Children are introduced to letter names, letter shapes and letter to sound relationships through meaningful and age-appropriate games and activities.
- Literacy and language opportunities include a wide variety of multi-sensory activities and are integrated into all areas of learning throughout the day.
Activities include:
- Beginning to name letters
- Naming colors and shapes
- Oral expression and conversational skills
- Story comprehension and retelling skills
- Listening and contributing in a group
- Rhyming
- Making up their own stories and storytelling
Children use their five senses to explore the world around them. Scientific themes and ideas are incorporated into the lesson plans to teach children concepts related to their interests and experiences. Our program focuses on various age-appropriate activities to develop their understanding through experimentation; observation; discovery; and analysis.
Activities include:
- Experiments with Color and Light (prisms and simple refraction)
- Properties of Matter (water, steam, condensation, and ice formation)
- Movement and Machines (gears, pulleys, balance)
- Recreating natural Habitats (forest life, sea world)
- Measurement (cup, half-full, full, empty, inches, feet, etc.)
Social Sciences
Children become aware of themselves and their relationship to others.
Including family, peers, neighbors, community, city, country, world, the Earth, and eventually expanding to the universe. They develop a sense of responsibility for themselves and the world around them. They learn to respect life. We introduce and promote safety in all forms, including earth sciences; developing an awareness of “going green”, pollution and recycling. They are made to realize the interdependence of the world and that each individual is a contributing part of the whole. A sense of responsibility is inculcated as an individual and collectively. “We are the World” and what we do matters…the future is ours to make it as best as we can.
There is an underlying value-based component inherent in this curriculum and it’s integrated into lesson plans and themes.
Activities include:
- Discussing the concepts of self, family, school, neighborhood and community
- Understanding diversity through discovering similarities and differences of various cultures, family traditions, cultural celebrations, through storytelling that demonstrate differing gender roles, abilities and physical characteristics.
- Focusing on respecting, embracing, and honoring diversity.
Children are given the opportunity to explore materials through experimentation, and are encouraged to be creative and discover their artistic talents. They use different art media with painting and three-dimensional art, such as making collages. They have the freedom to express themselves through colors, objects, patterns, and forms. They are encouraged to use their imaginations in their creations.
Activities include:
- Paint and watercolor
- Primary and secondary colors
- Drawing with markers, crayons, pens, pencils, and chalk
- Exploring shapes and line
- Exploring various sensory materials (clay, play dough, finger paints)
- Collage materials
- Basic sculpting techniques
- Murals
Physical Skills
The enjoyment of physical activities and the development of a positive self-image are important aspects of the curriculum. Gross motor skills are practiced and refined through exciting games and various activities. Children cultivate their fine motor skills with developmental materials like clay, scissors, oversized tweezers, and lacing beads.
Fine and gross motor activities offer opportunities to:
- Paint using large and small brushes
- Develop body awareness
- Creep, crawl, jump, and slide
- Work on balance using balance beams
The goal of our program is for the children to develop age-appropriate understanding and insight into the patterns of mathematics using materials and life experiences. The objective is to help young children become aware of relationships and interconnections in mathematics and enable them to deal with mathematical ideas and concepts through their experiences.
Activities include:
- Recognizing numbers
- Rote counting and counting objects
- Aggregates (few, more, less)
- Sorting by color
- Reproducing simple patterns and designs
- Sorting by size
- Temporal relations: past, present, and future (yesterday, today, and tomorrow)
- Simple measurement: full, half-full, empty
Our curriculum fosters the growth of a child’s processes, the development of their conceptual understanding and their ability to observe, analyze, make simple predictions (for example, when ice melts it turns to water or when water boils it turns to steam), and make conclusions about the world around them.
Our program is designed to create an environment where children have an opportunity to experiment with materials and work together as a team to discover and learn in exciting and innovative ways.
The daily curriculum integrates this opportunity in the classroom and in the STEM Lab through special enrichment group projects throughout the year.
Activities include:
- Using simple machines to solve problems
- Refurbishing materials such as recyclables and tubing to create new inventions
- Exploration of tools
- Creating story components through innovative design and construction
- Observing and creating simple experiments to demonstrate scientific principles (gravity, weights, sinking, floating, flying)
- Creating habitats from natural and synthetic sources (solar system, rain forest, sea world, farming, community rescue operations, emergency systems)
- Creating cities, schools, hospitals, airports
Social and Emotional Development
Social skills are an integral part of the curriculum. Children learn to develop friendships and take pride in their accomplishments. The focus is on building self-esteem and self-awareness; relating to peers and adults; expressing and managing emotions. They develop an awareness of feelings in self and others and begin to learn the skills of conflict resolution with assistance and support.
Emphasis in areas include:
- Engaging with peers and adults
- Building self-awareness and self esteem
- Learning to wait and taking turns
- Adjusting to changes and making transitions
- Expressing and managing emotions
- Self-care and care of belongings
- Following rules and routines
- Separation from parents
Children are naturally inclined to gravitate to anything musical. They are introduced to simple musical instruments; singing songs, nursery rhymes, and fingerplays. We offer a balance of music and movement – free exploration, discovery, and expression.
Activities include:
- Moving to a beat
- Using simple instruments
- Listening to sounds and music and identifying differences (soft, loud, whisper, shout, high, low notes)
- Playing musical games
- Singing simple Bhajans and Sholkas
Meals and Snacks
We try to create an awareness and a sense of personal responsibility for making appropriate healthy food choices by promoting the consumption of fresh and wholesome food, reinforcing the idea that eating nutritious foods make kids “big and strong”.
Morning and afternoon snacks are provided. We serve fresh, vegetarian, wholesome, and nutritious snacks including: seasonal fresh fruits, vegetables, dips, crackers, etc. We serve all meals and snacks family-style to allow the children to interact naturally with peers and teachers.
Naptime is an important time to recharge for little ones. We provide each child with their own individual cot for nap time. Soft soothing music will be played in the background to enable a smooth transition to rest time.
Chinmaya Blossoms teachers are educators and are graduates holding a B.A. degree with varied special skills and a passion for teaching young children. Together they provide an exceptional, comprehensive, and inspiring learning experience for the children. Some specialize in the sciences, art, dance, music, along with being specialists in early childhood education. We invite other specialists on occasion, to enrich and enhance our programs based on the themes studied throughout the year.